automobiles & motorcycles

How do you make the best decision when it comes to purchasing auto insurance?  How do you know what option is best for you under the new Michigan Auto No-fault Reform? By talking to us. Our knowledgeable and friendly agents will explain your options in terms you understand. Call us - our receptionist will answer the phone and put you through to an agent right away - no waiting on hold or waiting for someone to call you back. 

Your automobile or motorcycle is an important part of your life but it can also be an area of serious concern - as they're expensive if damaged, you or a family member could be seriously hurt and they carry a large liability risk. We specialize in helping you understand liability risks, your no-fault auto reform PIP options as well as deductible choices and other coverage options. Obtaining a competitive auto premium is important, and as an independent agency, Alpena Agency represents many insurance carriers so we can offer you the best protection and premium. Not only will we explain your options up-front, but if you have a claim, we are ready to help. Your agent is available to make sure your claim is handled quickly and fairly - no voice mail or telephone menu system to deal with. We really do care and take your insurance needs personally. And when it comes to saving money on your auto insurance we have been writing auto insurance all across Michigan because of our low rates.